Sunday, December 12, 2010

First time job

Hye all !! ye2, i know i have been neglected my blog.. laziness in my body grew up.. I can'n stop it.. hahaha Berbalik kepada tajuk entry kita. yeah ! i started working now.. Find extra money laa.. Takkan nak harap kat parents lagi.. ( Awak tu da BESAR ! BEDIKARI la !!) hee..
Saya mula bekerja pukul 10pg sampai 6 petang.. Ok jugak la keje uh.. Layan orang nak beli barang.. hahaha Tp saya kene sampai sblm pkul 10 sebab nak tolong kakak buka store and kemas-kemas barang.. Agak memenatkan because we are not allowed to seat. Tawaf la kedai uh bape juta kali ko nak.. heee.. Kedai ini tak banyak customer sangat. Maklum la barang-barang branded.. heee

Saya dapat keje nie pun sebab teman my best friend ELINADIA nak cari keje.. Die yang minta, last-last dapat for 2 worker.. hee sangat2 tuah badan.. Tengkiu Eli ku sayang..  Btw, saya dah sign up for driving license. Kursus undang-undang mesti borung giler kan?? OMG !! mesti saya tertidur or mati kebosanan.. hahaha joking-joking..

That's all i want to story to you all. Must wake up early tomorrow.. Kerje ! kerje !
heee.. Will update soon.. 


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Peperangan Pada Tahun 2010

Saya, Adiba Noorfitri selaku pemegang cap mohor peperiksaan SPM 2010 dengan ini mengisytiharkan peperangan SPM pada hari Selasa 23 November 2010. Diharap semua rakyat SPM bersiap sedia menghadapi peperangan ini.

Macam nak umum hari raya dan puasa la pulak. heee I know it has been so long since the last post. Makin busy la !! Setiap hari saya ada extra classes. Ulangan CLASSES ! 3 hari lagi SPM akan bermula. Apakah perasaan anda? (mood interview) Saya no komen yee. Actually, i feel excited, nervous, scare and thousands more feeling. I just want to go through with my bestest effort.

 To all my friends, i want to apologize if i did something wrong n hurts your feeling. and i know i did. Everyone make mistake in life. So do i.  i hope u guys do your best in SPM. Don't forget to pray to Allah. May Allah bless us all i this war. All our effort will show on our result.

Saya harap dapat ulang kejayaan yang lepas. Thats all i hope. And i wish my dream come true. Keep focus on ur goal Dyba !  Wish me luck and gud luck everyone !

p/s: i LIKE si woon !!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Percubaan SPM 2010

Hye semua !!

Sudah berkurun rasanya Dieba tak update blog nie. Sorry yer blog nie berhabuk sehinggakan korunk semua kene penyakit resdung.. hee Ok2. Cukup la Dieba merepek. Back to business. Business ape plak Dieba buat nie?? Jual baju? Buku? Handphone? TAK !! (gurauan sahaje) teehee..
Tidak lama dahalu, telah terjadinya peristiwa percubaan SPM 2010 yang amat maut sekali. (ayat xboleh blah la !)Mahu melihat keputusannya?? Mari sini..











Dieba tahu anda teruja ingin melihatnya.. (SKROLL LG)





NAH ! Ini keputusannya.. =)

tak berape clear.. ade masalah lighting.

Alhamdulillah, dapat 6A.. Sebenarnya, tak sangka boleh dapat.. Tapi memang target 6A ke atas.. Lepas nie kena double triple quad usaha untuk mendapat 9A. Kita kena yakin dengan diri sendiri. Betul tak?!

Ramai juga yang mendapat 6A and 5A.. Tahniah2 ! Ade juga yang mendapat 6A ke atas. Nie yang memang otak bergeliga laa.. Dieba dapat 6A sahaje.. That my limit on trial. I know myself better than anyone else. 

Sekarang para tentera sedang bersiap sedia untuk berperang pada 23 November 2010. Tarikh yang amat keramat yer. (Dieba jangan uat ajaran sesat plak kat sini) Alhamdulillah, sekarang semua tentera tengah recover dan semakin bersemangat berjuang ! Dengan adanya panglima-panglima yang sentiasa di sisi, para tentera semakin maju melangkah ke hadapan dengan keyakinan penuh di dada. 

Pagi tadi ada anugerah khas pengetua untuk trial SPM 2010. Pelajar yang mendapat 5A ke atas mendapat sekeping sijil beserta fail purple dan sekotak Ferrero Rocher. (yummmmy !!)
Anith Zarifah
Siti Najwa Amira
Atiqah Amin
Azizah Hani
Atiqah Pilus
Adiba Noorfitri (meeee !!)
Nadiah Hazirah
Nazril Iqkhmal
Ashraf Asya'ari
Saznira Fadila
Intan Syafeqah
Nur Hazwani 
Nur Elinadia
Nurulhani Syafinaz
Amalina Affandy
Nadya Rafar
Nur Inani
 Amira Adila
Siti Fatima
Laily Farhanan

Itu saja berita buat masa sekarang. 
Nanti Dieba updatekan lagi k.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

That's true


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya !!

Saya, Adiba Noorfitri ingin mengucapkan 

kepada semua ahli keluarga, rakan-rakan dan sesiapa yang mengenali saya tapi saya tak kenal awak.Its gonna be a tough raya because we have SPM TRIAL during raya feast. 


Monday, September 6, 2010

Super Dad !

Happy 50th Birthday to My Super Duper Daddy !!

i LOVE u sooo muucchh !!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Menjelma Kembali

Saya ingin mengucapkan


p/s: Kumpul pahala banyak-banyak.
     Jangan cari pasal dengan orang da.
     Duit raya jangan lupe k ! 

Monday, July 26, 2010


YEAH !! My Morphen has healed.. Who's Morphen? Tak kenal kew? Dia la my most valuable handphone. Why?? Sebab saya beli dia dengan duit saya sendiri setelah TIGA tahun. Lama kn?? So, mesti la sayang sangat-sangat. Sebulan lebih dia masuk ICU, LCD pecah kowt !

Nasib baik daddy baik hati membantu meringankan beban. ( macam rancangan Bersamamu plak =_= ) Apa pun, THANK YOU DADDY ! Semalam baru buat Twitter. Kenapa? Saja nak buat. Terlebih masa.hahaha

Tadi pergi Pendedahan Kerjaya Veterinar di Fakulti Perubatan Veterinar, UPM. Terima kasih kepada En. Idris for the explaination. Sangat-sangat membantu.

Selepas sesi taklimat, kitaorang pergi melawat fakulti tu. Tengok kuda-kuda yang ada. One of the horse like Saznira !! hahaha Then, pergi klinik haiwan dia, melawat kucing-kucing dan anjing-anjing yang dirawat. Last but not least, the Post Mortem lab. Masuk-masuk jew tengok ada doktor dari Libya tengah mengasingkan organ dalaman kambing. 

Mula-mula memang cuak, lama-lama oke jew. Bilik uh tak la secantik CSI yang korang tengok tu. Kurenng sikit. After the, went home la ! Photo upload later k. That's all.

Joyful writing,

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I'm sure you guys wondering who is it, right? I've fall in love with him years ago. He just so adorable and very HOT !

 Yeah !! He's the one ! His mine okay. So you guys back off or I'll kill you. (just joking) He is the HOTTEST guy in the world !

I  ♥ Taylor Lautner !

Monday, July 19, 2010

Lega + teasing day

Hye semua ! Sorry sangat-sangat lama tak update. you knew what my reason is. hehehe Last Sunday, Uya and i went to Floria at Presint 2, Putrajaya. (detailed giler) saja jew teman Uya pergi sana. Dia tak melawat lagi tempat uh. 

We went there by car. Ayah hantar la. Lesen tak dapat lagi laa. Sampai-sampai jew, terus serbu kedai jual button warna warni. LAWA! Uya beli untuk dia and abang. Birthday present. After that, we just merayap merata tempat.

Lepas tu, kami berjalan ke tepi tasik. Ramai gak orang tapi tak seramai orang kat floria pavilion tu la. We seat there and watched people played paddle boat ( sound like paddle pop !), water ball where you go inside a giant ball and you played it on water. Then people who cruising.

Duduk di tepi tasik really menenangkan fikiran. I very3 enjoyed that moment. Lepas tu, kitaorang pergi beli pizza hut and eat kat tepi tasik. Then, pergi tengok taman-taman yang direka oleh sekolah-sekolah dan universiti.
Kiteorang punye ok laaaa. To me, you guys can be more creative. It just doesn't enough. Masa lepak kat tasik uh, something happen. Its really hilarious + at food court too ! 

p/s: I m baking cheesecake. tomorrow we gonna have a big POTLUCK ever ! hahaha you can't breath.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Jual ikan

Hye semua ! Entry kali nie macam pelik kn? Sebenarnya tak pun. Tak percaya? Baca nie ! Tukar jual ikan kepada Bahasa Inggeris. Cepat2, siapa tau dapat penginapan 5 hari 4 malam kat rumah sendiri. hahahaha (Dieba dah merepek giler nie) 

Jawapannya ialah SELFISH ! Yeah, that's right SELFISH. Dieba dah penat sangat2 dengan orang yang SELFISH nie. Ko SELFISH and ko harap aku tegur ko? Hey ! Open your eyes. Buat apa aku buang masa nak tegur orang macam ko. 

Kat Chow Kit bersepah-sepah jew aku tengok.(calm down Dieba)i don't owe you anything. So, i don't know you and who the HELL you are? Last but not least, cermin diri sendiri sebelum nak judge orang lain. 

p/s: Someone told me, we don't have to take care about someone's heart if they don't do the same thing. 

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hug For You


Aren't they adorable + cute?? If i could have ONE of them.
hahaha I want to watch this movie badly. But, i can't find a time for it. SPM is just around da corner peeps !
Open your eyes and struggle with your book till 

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Happy Birthday to my lil brother !
You already 15 so be MATURED.
hahahaha His birthday on 5/7 we ate at Pizza Hut.

Friday, July 2, 2010



The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us

p/s: To all SPM candidate, this last 4 month is our toughest month. Don't just give up like that. Finish our fight till the end.Put a side our problem and struggle for the exam. Gud Luck !

Wednesday, June 23, 2010



Maybe i can open cafe someday. Cooking is one of my passion. L.O.V.E to eat and cook.

Monday, June 14, 2010

I miss you

Hye semua. Sorry lama tak update. Actually, tak tahu nk cerita ape. Setiap hari kat sekolah jew. So, tak tahu nak cerita ape kat korang semua. Tak kan nak cerita aku 'KENA' study 27 hours. Btw, ayah pergi Miri hari nie. Ada kursus katanya. Balik Khamis. Rindu la anak ayah sorang nie. Da la kena tinggal sorang-sorang sekarang. Soo spooky mooky laa (ayt ciptaan Dieba). hahahaahaha

Okay-okay tutup cerita anak manja ayah. Sekarang kita cerita pasal lain. Korang semua mesti pernah fall in love right? Not a puppy love laa. A real love that you guys believe for the first time. Yeah. I had it too. He is the most sweet, charming n caring guy i ever ask for. We message almost anytime ! He smarter than me, so he taught me a lot things. Not just love but things in real life too. I miss the time we spent together. His cousin is my best friend, so we all can hang out for hours. Its hard to find your best friend can accept you boyfriend. And i'm lucky to have it.

Then, he had to follow his family to overseas. And i lost contact with him. That time, we don't use Myspace or even Facebook ! Surprise huh? Now, i miss him badly. ='( I still can remember i cry the whole week because of him. He's kind a guy that you can find one in million. Like Adam in Adamaya story. All i can do is just hoping i'll meet him someday. hehehehehe 

p/s: I don't know how long i can wait for you. Its already 5 years.
My hope keep fading across the time. I still have the last present you gave to me.
It's the only thing reminds me of you. Please come back soon.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

My Best Friend



We celebrated his birthday at Secret Recipe at Alamanda.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

For you


Makin besar and makin tua.. heheehee yeah, she is my little sister but act like an adult.. And Dayana is my bff since we in primary school.. her birthday same with my sister.. miss her like heaven !
nothing much to say, just wanna wish them on their birthday..

Sunday, May 16, 2010

For now

Sorry dah lama tak post.. Sekarang nie sangat-sangat sibuk dengan sekolah. SPM makin dekat so kena lah berusaha sekuat yang boleh. Kejayaan semanis madu tak akan dapat jika tak melalui dugaan sepahit hempedu. Kata-kata semangat yang baru !! hahaahha.. Cerita Adamaya dah habis pada hari Khamis yang lepas.. Cerita tu best sangat-sangat.. Banyak kali menangis sebab cerita tu dan rasa terharu sangat dengan segala yang Adam buat untuk Maya. Dan tak lupa jugak, Amani, budak paling COMEL !! Suka sangat tengok muka dia.. Nama sebenar dia, Mia Sara Nasuha. Btw, minggu nie ada Jomheboh dan Hari Belia Negara di Putrajaya. Esok baru gerak dengan kawan-kawan yang lain. 
Sebenarnya, nak pergi hari nie tapi ada Gotong-royong Perdana kat sekolah dan kelas tambahan AddMath. Lepas tu, ada perjumpaan Form 5 untuk persembahan Hari Guru nanti. Insya-Allah, kitaorang dapat buat yang terbaik dan harap-harap cikgu akan ingat pada kami. Exam tak lama lagi.. Semua tengah sibuk mengulang kaji.. Dieba mesti dapat yang lebih baik berbanding exam hari tu. Mesti ada peningkatan ! Itu janji Dieba pada diri sendiri and for both my parents. Okay la, Dieba akan post lagi jika ada masa. Last but not least, "Never give up until u try it with all your heart". 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Espically For You Guys !

This one is for the big headed, annoying, pathetic Divas !
Hey BITCH , here's something for you
Why think of yourself better when you're not
Hey BITCH , the story's real and true
It's because of you so thanks a lot

Hey BITCH , you're so full of bullshit
You think you hold the world in your hand
Hey BITCH , whom I just want to hit
Beneath your exterior lies no man

Hey BITCH , hope that you're satisfied
with the damage you caused me
Hey BITCH , your powers left me mystified
why can't you just leave me be ?

Hey BITCH , learn to keep your mouth shut
You caused all this , I can only ask why
Hey BITCH , why must you act like a slut
Proud to make others life like miserable

Hey BITCH , don't you have better things to do
between you and your 'awesome' crew .
Hey BITCH , stop destroying our happiness
with your 'spectacular' friendships

Hey BITCH , you're the one to blame
Yet you still show no shame
Hey BITCH , I can only wish you well
because you're the

I got this from Alya Diyana's blog.. I have change a little bit..

Monday, April 5, 2010

Attention !!

Bolah tak kalau korang bergaduh, korang selesaikan sendiri??
Penat la asyik bergaduh macam nie.. Penat sangat2.. Orang tengah yang tak masuk campur pun kena..
Tak adil la korang nie.. Asal libatkan orang lain?? Ko gaduh dengan die, nak perang dengan kita orang pulak.. TOLONG LAA.. 
Lagi satu, dah2 laa buat drama uh.. Penat nk tengok dan mendengar tau.. Walaupun tak ade kene-mengena tapi still kena tengok drama boring uh.. Simpan jew la drama2 tu sume.. Kumpul banyak2 buat filem k.. 

And kenapa orang lain suka masuk campur kalau hal tu tak ade kene-mengena dengan die?? Aku pelik giler dengan manusia macam nie.. Elok2 masalah uh kecik, jadi sebesar alam semester.. and of course laa, mengeruhkan lagi keadaan.. Asal tak ikut jew pepatah 
Btw, nie blog aku and suke hati aku laa nak cakap ape..
Korunk tak suka?? Sape suro bace..

Sekian, terima kasih.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Fight for this love

Song title : Fight For This Love
Artist : Cherry Cole

Too much of anything can make you sick
Even the good can be a curse
Makes it hard to know which road to go down
Knowing too much can get you hurt

Is it better? Is it worse?
Are we sitting in reverse?
It's just like we're going backwards
I know where I want this to go
Driving fast but let's go slow
What I don't wanna do is crash, no

Just know that you're not in this thing alone
There's always a place in me you can call home
Whenever you feel like we're growing apart
Let's just go back, back, back, back, back to the start

Anything that's worth having
Is sure enough worth fighting for
Quitting's out of the question
When it gets tough gotta fight some more

We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
If it's worth having it's worth fighting for

Now every day ain't gon' be no picnic
Love ain't a walk in the park
All you can do is make the best of it now
Can't be afraid of the dark

Just know that you're not in this thing alone
There's always a place in me you can call home
Whenever you feel like we're growing apart
Let's just go back, back, back, back, back to the start

Anything that's worth having
Is sure enough worth fighting for
Quitting's out of the question
When it gets tough gotta fight some more

We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
If it's worth having it's worth fighting for

I don't know where we're heading I'm willing and ready to go
We've been driving so fast we just need to slow down and just roll

Anything that's worth having
Is sure enough worth fighting for
Quitting's out of the question
When it gets tough gotta fight some more

We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
If it's worth having it's worth fighting for

We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
If it's worth having it's worth fighting for

This song doesn't mean we have to fight for our love to our boyfriend ONLY.. We should fight our love to Allah, parents, family, teachers, friends and pet.. ( if u guys have a pet laa) and don't forget fight for SPM.. hahahaaha.. just 7 months away.. This song give me an inspiration.. In this tough year, we should have something to inspire to be success.. It reminds you what you want to achieve.. Don't believe me?? Try it before say anything..

Monday, March 22, 2010

My Birthday

Birthday ak tak laa cm owg len yg sweet 17 tu kan.. Just a very simple birthday celebration.. biar pn tak ada parti besar sebesar2 nya, ak still happy sebab ak ada family and kawan-kawan yang sentiasa berada di sisi ak.. Ramai yg wish,TERIMA KASIH banyak-banyak korang semua.. Sayang korang semua.. Ak celebrate birthday awal sikit dngan kawan-kawan sebab masa birthday ak uh ada pertandingan robotik n tuisyen kt sekolah.. 
Terpaksa berkorban bak kate cikgu.. 1 hari hang out kat alam.. hahahaaha hari yang sangat gembira dan indah.. (macam kelakar jew).. Thanks to Saznira, Elinadia, Haidhar, Syafiq Kassim, Awe, Yusry, Nazril, Syafiqrullah n cousin.. Having lots of fun guys that day.. I appreciate very much what u guys do.. Dengan family, sambut biasa-biasa jew.. Permintaan Dieba k.. hehehehe.. Daddy bought me a beautiful, delicious strawberry cake.. Seeeeeddaaaapp sgt !! Thanks daddy.. love u ! Mama jangan cemburu k.. hehehehe.. Here are some photos.. yeah, i m not pretty as u but what the hell i care.. muka lawa tapi hati busuk dari ikan masin buat apa.. ( siapa makan ABC, dia terasa sedap)


 Jijan - peneman yg best !!

 Thakib - partner yg gler + ceria + rawr !!
(sowie, snap gambar curi2)

SMK PP9(2) Robotic Team

Dieba l Saz

Monday, March 8, 2010

My birthday wish list

Memandang birthday Dieba dlm 10 hari lg.. So, this is my wish list for this year.. FYI, ak xpnah mntk hadiah.. Klo ade owg bgi ade la.. kalo x, xde la.. Which mean memang ak xdpt.. hahahah bkn nk menarik simpati ttp 2 la yg berlaku.. But thax 2 someone last year yg bg hadiah kt ak.. i love u guys for my entire life.. Dats persons is Haidhar, Elinadia n Saznira..

I really do appreciate people that give me presents and wish for my birthday.. My birthday always lay on school holiday.. So, memang harpan la, owg nk ingat birthday ak.. Masa form 3 jew time sekolah and 1 kelas sing happy birthday song for me.. and i really2 touched.. Thax u guys!! =)
Here are my wish list:

 Could someone get me this guitar?? please!! i want this
guitar soooo baaaddlllyy!! If someone get it for me, i will love n heart
dat person very5 much !

Even though i m a tall person but i like wearing high heels..


Daddy, u always buy me a fruit cake even though i don't like it..
Saya teringin nk mkn cake nie..


i want this dress badly.. its from forever 21.. i already give u a clue..


A white macadamia cake would be nice too.. teacher Zuriah introduce it to us
me and wanie.. remember wanie??

 Cake from Baskin Robbins also seeedddaaaappp!!

One of my favourite cake.. =P

Either one.. i want 1 crocs shoes..

Thas all i want.. actually xde la demand sangat.. As long korunk bg ikhlas, cukup la..
This is what i wish for, but sometimes wish doesn't come true.. and i used with it.. hehehe   

Sunday, March 7, 2010

What ur birthday mean??

Actually, sje2 jew nk upload bnde nie.. xde keje.. hehehe

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Wake up drink

Sooooorrrrryyyy!!! lame xupdate.. agak sibuk laa skrang.. everyday at school.. of course laa, still studying kn? ape la dieba nie..ok2.. skrang kite move on.. npe wake up drink?? dieba pn xtau.. main letak jew uh..actually, ianya bermula di pagi suatu hari di mana dieba rase ngantok sangat sebab x ckup tido.. Dalam mood tido, ikt laa mama n ayah g breakfast.. (da mndi ek time nie) ak sje laa order teh tarik.. pas jew minum trus segar.. cm minum nescafe.. tp yg nie TEH TARIK..

Pelik2.. ak pn tak tau nk ckp cmne.. pas minum uh, trus jadi active and xrse ngantok da whole day tau.. Soo, dieba pn xtau nk ckp ape actually.. Klo korunk nk trjage korunk minum ape?? Mostly msti jwp coffee or nescafe kn? ade x yg segar lepas minum milo or susu or tea or wateva minuman yg wujud di ats muka bumi nie..

mesti ade kn?? cume kite xjmpe and dgr jew.. btul x?? tp kn bende nie kdng2 ade keunikan nyer yg trsendiri.. orang lain maybe xprcaye but its happen to us.. soo, renun2 kn la.. (xde ken mengena pn).. i got to go.. my brother has started his 'ceramah'. See you guys later k..





Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sekola lagi..

Ak pergi sekolah dengan perasan happy sebab da ciap keje sekolah la ! hahaha.. Semlam lagi 1 perkara menyedihkan berlaku.. Nama2 rumah sukan yg unik n sedap ditukar kpd name burung yg entah ape2!
Xanthous - Kasawari
Azure - Bayan
Hijau (xingat name die) - helang
Ruby - Merak

Tak sedap kn nama2 burung tu kn? Tp nk uat cmne.. Trime jew la.. Ak still akan pnggil Xanthous.. hahahaha
Suka hati ak la ! Btw, smlm ckgu Naza nk pompuan umah kuning volunteer msuk umah hijau.. Ak tak nk!!
Sejak first time masuk sekolah tu, ak masuk rumah Xanthous.. Ckgu cri la owg len la!

hahahahaha.. Sowie umah hijau.. Homework still banyak.. So, kena la uat secepat mungkin.. As usual, after school, kiteorang pegi library untuk uat homework la.. So, see ya later k.. Nanti ak update lagi kalo rajin la..

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hari Pertama Skola

As usual, pg2 msti kelam kabut nyer la.. Cik Piqa kite a.k.a TKP berlari sane sini melaksanakan kerja yg 
diberi oleh ckgu smpai tak nmpak ak dtg.. Piqa..Piqa.. Aiyo!! Then jmpe Saz, Wany, Madu, Hani, Wa, Diyana n yg len2.. Hug2 with bestfrend lu then melangkah msuk ke dalam dewan same2..

Cian Wany, die demam.. 2 la shopping jew tak habis2.. Kn da sakit.. (ape kne mengena??) Whatever la.. 
Ramai gk la budak2 form 1 n ckgu2 baru.. Tahun nie Ustzh Surina n Ustzh Kamaliah xde.. borink nyer !
Dua2 ustzh nie pandai bercerita.. Sbb uh ak suke dorang.. Lagi pun cara dieorang ajar best cgt2..

Pengetua berucap memang lame.. First day kn..  Nama kelas sume kena tukar !! Sedey2.. ='( Nama2 seperti Adenia, Bougainvilla, Carnation, Danielle, Fithonia dan lain2 di ganti dengan 
                                                                         P - Pintar
                                                                         R - Rajin
                                                                         E - Elit
                                                                         S - Setia
                                                                         I - Intelek
                                                                         N - Nekad
                                                                         T - Tekun

Bersempena perkataan PRESINT.. Kenapa amik perkataan nie, jangan tanye saye.. Saye tak bersalah !
(ape ko merepek nie?) Dieba..Dieba.. Btw, Pn Yeap jd guru kelas kiteowg.. Yeah!! Hari pertama da dpt banyak homework.. Soo, give a clap to us.. hahahahaha.. My lil brother, Aslam left me alone at school..
Die kate tunggu kt foyer, mau balik same2.. Last2, ak tunggu sampai kul 3 ptg, batang hidung die pn tak de..

Panas nyer hati ! Lame kowt tunggu.. Last2 ak ikt dorunk g medan n lepak2.. Then, makan2, gurau2 n merepek sane sini.. hahahaha itulah kami.. After that... Balik umah la !! Merayap jew tau ! 
hahahaha.. =p