Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Yeah !


p/s: when class is cancel and we can have a long nap after months of madness.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Quick !

Hye all ! Anda semua sihat? Saya sihat jew cume hati in critical condition. Tapi Alhamdulillah, masih kuat untung menanggani nyer. heee Btw, this post just a quick update what happen to me. Tuu jew.. (hampeh tol la !) Baru balik dari bercuti bersama keluarga di kampung Terengganu. Suda lame tidak balek ke sane ea. Alang-alang uh ambil my big brother yang suda habis belajar di Akademi Laut Malaysia (ALAM). Tahniah abg ! Impian anda suda tercapai. Hopefully u always sukses in ur job.

Setakat nie, sem 2 okay laa.. Kadang-kadang keje berlambak uh biase laa kn.. Cuti pn tak macam cuti. Kami memang suda lame sedar akn hakikat uh. (nada sedeyh) Oleh sebab, saya bercuti dengan famili, saya tak dapat jumpe kawan2 yang disayangi ! Rindu giler korunk ! Lagipun saya malas nak balek sane atas sebab2 trtentu. I need some space n time to be alone. I don't even contact my bff anymore.

Okay, that's it. Just a simple and quick update. I'll update u guys later k n its gonna be a long post. I promise u. =) See ya later.

p/s: Its not too early if i wish u guys Happy New Year rite?
Hopefully 2012 will be better than 2011 n
we change to be a better person in future.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Hi all ! How are u this week? I have tons of assignment and notes need to be done. This is what Matriculation life looks like. Its not fun as school life. So, enjoy every seconds u have while u still schooling. Okay, stop. This is not what i want to talk about. I have done some changes in my life. =) If u want to change for good, u must have a strong heart. Because people gonna talk bout your changes.

The old me 

 The new me

Please pray that i stay strong.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Hey guys ! I know its has been sooo loonng since my last update. I've been super duper busy with final exam. Deepest apology from me. =) And tomorrow i will start my second semester in this "lovey dovey" matriculation. I just had one and half week break, its supposed to be 2 weeks but i got to went back earlier to take my MUET test.

Here are some of picture during my holiday. A picture tells thousand words.
Enjoy !


All picture copyright of Fa's, Saz's and me. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bless with love


This last few days, i was full of lovey dovey feeling.. Maybe bacause i'm going back home and going to meet someone i'm looking forward.. =) This feeling is AWESOME ! I hope it stays in my heart.

p/s: Thanks for everything and the song. It mean so much to me.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Outing with my lovely twin

Apa khabar semua? Sihat? Dieba disini sihat2 jew.. heeee Da baca tajuk entry kn2? So, kita staright ti the point k.. Last week, Dieba outing bersama kembar saya yang tak sama mak dan ayah.. Oh ! Roomate die pun ikut..Kembar saya bernama Nur Hazirah Bt Hazman Teh. U guys can call her Hazirah Teh. Roomate die bernama Mia.

Objektif outing minggu lepas adalah untuk teman kembar saya nie tengok wayang. Da lama tak tengok wayang kate nyer.. So, i accompnied her. Kami berdua giler wayang k. Bahasa sopan die kaki wayang ea adik-adik semua. Kiteorang tengok cerita Harry Potter and The Deadthly Hallow Part 2. Oke, memang lambat cikit kiteorang tengok cerita uh. (busy study la ! Tipu jew uh !!) heeee Hope u guys enjoy gambar-gambar yang diambil. Actually banyak gambar tapi semua kat phone Hazirah Teh.. =)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Matriculation Life

Hye all ! Memang bersawang habis la blog ak nie. Da lama tak buka blog nie. Busy keje + sekarang busy with my student life. Tak sempat nak catch a breath pn ! Sangat-sangat tidak bertuah yerr. Hahahaha da start merepek nie. Ok, back to our title above. Yeah, ak masuk Matrix. Kt Pahang ea. Dekat jew pn. Da mid sem baru nak update. Entah ape2. hahahahaha ak malas nak cite panjang2. Lagipun, picture tell a thousand stories.

Pahang Matriculation College
2011/12 session

Roomate ku (Faru, Deera, Fasa n Dieba)

My classmates (budak laki kat belakang sekali yer)

Outing with my classmates (Ana n Solehah)

Ladies in my class

My twin ! (Hazirah Teh)

Larian 1Malaysia

Hope u guys enjoy it. There's lot of picture but i'm kinda lazy to upload. Will update soon. Hug n kisses for all. =)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Double Birthday !

Hye all ! Today is my best friends birthday. I know them since form 3. Its not a double birthday but i combined it.heee Yesterday was shahzmir's birthday n today is sheikh's birthday.

Happy Birthday green boy !!
(he loovee green a lot)

Happy Birthday Sheikh Ahmad Bukhari !

p/s: u guys are getting older than me. heee May Allah bless u guys. May All u dream come true k.


Monday, January 3, 2011


Hye guys, i know it has been ages since the last time i updated my blog. Millions apology to you guys. I being busy lately with my new work and driving class n stuff. From now onwards i will make sure my blog is update regularly. (yeke??) heee Actually i want to share my daily fortune cookie with you guys. 

Today it says:

Meaning: 'When you love someone, they will love you back"
Here is a question for you. What if the girl love the boy but he doesn't know anything about the girl and never meet with her? Will the boy love her back?