Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bless with love


This last few days, i was full of lovey dovey feeling.. Maybe bacause i'm going back home and going to meet someone i'm looking forward.. =) This feeling is AWESOME ! I hope it stays in my heart.

p/s: Thanks for everything and the song. It mean so much to me.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Outing with my lovely twin

Apa khabar semua? Sihat? Dieba disini sihat2 jew.. heeee Da baca tajuk entry kn2? So, kita staright ti the point k.. Last week, Dieba outing bersama kembar saya yang tak sama mak dan ayah.. Oh ! Roomate die pun ikut..Kembar saya bernama Nur Hazirah Bt Hazman Teh. U guys can call her Hazirah Teh. Roomate die bernama Mia.

Objektif outing minggu lepas adalah untuk teman kembar saya nie tengok wayang. Da lama tak tengok wayang kate nyer.. So, i accompnied her. Kami berdua giler wayang k. Bahasa sopan die kaki wayang ea adik-adik semua. Kiteorang tengok cerita Harry Potter and The Deadthly Hallow Part 2. Oke, memang lambat cikit kiteorang tengok cerita uh. (busy study la ! Tipu jew uh !!) heeee Hope u guys enjoy gambar-gambar yang diambil. Actually banyak gambar tapi semua kat phone Hazirah Teh.. =)