shopping?? really?? dun think so.. actually ada jualan kt ofis mama td.. ngah on9 mse uh n tbe2 mama call n tnye nk dtg x.. then i answered la dat i want.. coz smetymes ada bnde2 mnarik kt c2.. so, my sis n i get ready lorh.. we went there by bus.. so funny la.. my sis joget when she want 2 than dat bus.. so klakar.. when i laugh so loud u knw..
hahahahahahaha.. even da pakcik bus looked her wit a weird look.. damn so funny la.. actually its not pkcik la.. abg kowt.. coz he look young.. da most importan t is dier X RETI bwa bus.. soooo slooowwww.. even da real pakcik bus lg laju aw.. damn so borink la.. my mom amk kteorg kt luar.. nk msuk kne ada pas.. n i so lazy 2 tukar my ic wit their pass lorh.. so, my sis called my mom 2 get us.. he3.. so many people there.. we buy egg tarts which i wanted so long.. he3.. kuih raye n some gifts 4 my moyang.. yup2.. i still got my moyang la.. then i go 2 this 1 stall.. it sell bag.. u knw, i lurve 2 collect bag n sweater..
but i more 2 collect da bag.. he3.. dun knw why la.. but i m kinda addicted 2 it.. i saw dia 1 beutiful bag wit ttdy also.. i wanted is so badly but my mom dun want 2 buy it.. u knw da reason is bcoz a have a lot of bag.. but wat 2 do.. i juz luv collecting them.. he3.. kinda my passion lorh.. hahahahaha.. then lpak at my mom ofis until 5pm.. so borink lorh.. smpaikn my sis n i trtido kt c2 aw.. pnat brshoppng la kte kn.. but before dat.. my mom went 2 kdai yg jual kain2 nie.. then ada sorunk guy nie look at me.. i uat la mke bodo.. x snyum x sengih.. ptung jew kt c2.. hahahahaha..
actually nk ktawa but than.. hahahaha.. pas uh dia blah before kteorg.. after dat my mom 2 go 2 the other side.. jln la an.. then ak trpndang kt dia.. dia pn usha la.. then i continued my walk.. then x jmpe dia da.. he's not bad actually.. but i m not into it.. sory guys.. he3..mmg pnat hri nie.. soooo penat la... n...n.. i mish my beloved bro soooo muuuucccchhh!!! n 4 chipsmore.. npe x msg?? i mish u like hell aw.. n..n.. cyg kamu cgt2.. only u my CHIPSMORE!