Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Get it rite

First of all, i not a forgiving person.. i ll takes tyme k.. mayb u think wtf rite?? but i m juz being careful, so dat no one can hurt me easily.. i do forgive people but it takes tyme la.. this thing wont happen if u not rush doing decision..

Yes!! dat things hurt me alot.. and no one there when dats happened 2 me.. someone dat nothing to do wit me be there n support.. where the hell u guys?! its take me along tyme 2 forget wat had happened.. 

u dun need my forgiveness bcoz u happy doing it.. look how suffer i am through all dis.. besides, if i forgive u, nothing gonna change.. u still urself n i knw u wont change urself for someone else..

i will forgive u but not now.. when i think its da rite tyme, i will forgive u dgn IKHLAS..
ak xpnh smpan dendam but let me b ready.. bg ko, mayb hal kecik jew.. but its hurt me alot.. u hepi wit ur life now, so i am..

we dun bother each other life rite?? so, juz let it be dat way.. 

p/s; think carefully before make decision dat might hurt others.. seriously, i m hepi i used 2 be a part of ur life..


  1. lek2.. tah la..
    aku pun tatau.. take ur time ey..
    cm ko kata la, biar ikhlas..
    ok? papepun aku suport ko k..
