Wednesday, June 23, 2010



Maybe i can open cafe someday. Cooking is one of my passion. L.O.V.E to eat and cook.

Monday, June 14, 2010

I miss you

Hye semua. Sorry lama tak update. Actually, tak tahu nk cerita ape. Setiap hari kat sekolah jew. So, tak tahu nak cerita ape kat korang semua. Tak kan nak cerita aku 'KENA' study 27 hours. Btw, ayah pergi Miri hari nie. Ada kursus katanya. Balik Khamis. Rindu la anak ayah sorang nie. Da la kena tinggal sorang-sorang sekarang. Soo spooky mooky laa (ayt ciptaan Dieba). hahahaahaha

Okay-okay tutup cerita anak manja ayah. Sekarang kita cerita pasal lain. Korang semua mesti pernah fall in love right? Not a puppy love laa. A real love that you guys believe for the first time. Yeah. I had it too. He is the most sweet, charming n caring guy i ever ask for. We message almost anytime ! He smarter than me, so he taught me a lot things. Not just love but things in real life too. I miss the time we spent together. His cousin is my best friend, so we all can hang out for hours. Its hard to find your best friend can accept you boyfriend. And i'm lucky to have it.

Then, he had to follow his family to overseas. And i lost contact with him. That time, we don't use Myspace or even Facebook ! Surprise huh? Now, i miss him badly. ='( I still can remember i cry the whole week because of him. He's kind a guy that you can find one in million. Like Adam in Adamaya story. All i can do is just hoping i'll meet him someday. hehehehehe 

p/s: I don't know how long i can wait for you. Its already 5 years.
My hope keep fading across the time. I still have the last present you gave to me.
It's the only thing reminds me of you. Please come back soon.