Monday, July 26, 2010


YEAH !! My Morphen has healed.. Who's Morphen? Tak kenal kew? Dia la my most valuable handphone. Why?? Sebab saya beli dia dengan duit saya sendiri setelah TIGA tahun. Lama kn?? So, mesti la sayang sangat-sangat. Sebulan lebih dia masuk ICU, LCD pecah kowt !

Nasib baik daddy baik hati membantu meringankan beban. ( macam rancangan Bersamamu plak =_= ) Apa pun, THANK YOU DADDY ! Semalam baru buat Twitter. Kenapa? Saja nak buat. Terlebih masa.hahaha

Tadi pergi Pendedahan Kerjaya Veterinar di Fakulti Perubatan Veterinar, UPM. Terima kasih kepada En. Idris for the explaination. Sangat-sangat membantu.

Selepas sesi taklimat, kitaorang pergi melawat fakulti tu. Tengok kuda-kuda yang ada. One of the horse like Saznira !! hahaha Then, pergi klinik haiwan dia, melawat kucing-kucing dan anjing-anjing yang dirawat. Last but not least, the Post Mortem lab. Masuk-masuk jew tengok ada doktor dari Libya tengah mengasingkan organ dalaman kambing. 

Mula-mula memang cuak, lama-lama oke jew. Bilik uh tak la secantik CSI yang korang tengok tu. Kurenng sikit. After the, went home la ! Photo upload later k. That's all.

Joyful writing,

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I'm sure you guys wondering who is it, right? I've fall in love with him years ago. He just so adorable and very HOT !

 Yeah !! He's the one ! His mine okay. So you guys back off or I'll kill you. (just joking) He is the HOTTEST guy in the world !

I  ♥ Taylor Lautner !

Monday, July 19, 2010

Lega + teasing day

Hye semua ! Sorry sangat-sangat lama tak update. you knew what my reason is. hehehe Last Sunday, Uya and i went to Floria at Presint 2, Putrajaya. (detailed giler) saja jew teman Uya pergi sana. Dia tak melawat lagi tempat uh. 

We went there by car. Ayah hantar la. Lesen tak dapat lagi laa. Sampai-sampai jew, terus serbu kedai jual button warna warni. LAWA! Uya beli untuk dia and abang. Birthday present. After that, we just merayap merata tempat.

Lepas tu, kami berjalan ke tepi tasik. Ramai gak orang tapi tak seramai orang kat floria pavilion tu la. We seat there and watched people played paddle boat ( sound like paddle pop !), water ball where you go inside a giant ball and you played it on water. Then people who cruising.

Duduk di tepi tasik really menenangkan fikiran. I very3 enjoyed that moment. Lepas tu, kitaorang pergi beli pizza hut and eat kat tepi tasik. Then, pergi tengok taman-taman yang direka oleh sekolah-sekolah dan universiti.
Kiteorang punye ok laaaa. To me, you guys can be more creative. It just doesn't enough. Masa lepak kat tasik uh, something happen. Its really hilarious + at food court too ! 

p/s: I m baking cheesecake. tomorrow we gonna have a big POTLUCK ever ! hahaha you can't breath.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Jual ikan

Hye semua ! Entry kali nie macam pelik kn? Sebenarnya tak pun. Tak percaya? Baca nie ! Tukar jual ikan kepada Bahasa Inggeris. Cepat2, siapa tau dapat penginapan 5 hari 4 malam kat rumah sendiri. hahahaha (Dieba dah merepek giler nie) 

Jawapannya ialah SELFISH ! Yeah, that's right SELFISH. Dieba dah penat sangat2 dengan orang yang SELFISH nie. Ko SELFISH and ko harap aku tegur ko? Hey ! Open your eyes. Buat apa aku buang masa nak tegur orang macam ko. 

Kat Chow Kit bersepah-sepah jew aku tengok.(calm down Dieba)i don't owe you anything. So, i don't know you and who the HELL you are? Last but not least, cermin diri sendiri sebelum nak judge orang lain. 

p/s: Someone told me, we don't have to take care about someone's heart if they don't do the same thing. 

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hug For You


Aren't they adorable + cute?? If i could have ONE of them.
hahaha I want to watch this movie badly. But, i can't find a time for it. SPM is just around da corner peeps !
Open your eyes and struggle with your book till 

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Happy Birthday to my lil brother !
You already 15 so be MATURED.
hahahaha His birthday on 5/7 we ate at Pizza Hut.

Friday, July 2, 2010



The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us

p/s: To all SPM candidate, this last 4 month is our toughest month. Don't just give up like that. Finish our fight till the end.Put a side our problem and struggle for the exam. Gud Luck !