Saturday, July 30, 2011

Matriculation Life

Hye all ! Memang bersawang habis la blog ak nie. Da lama tak buka blog nie. Busy keje + sekarang busy with my student life. Tak sempat nak catch a breath pn ! Sangat-sangat tidak bertuah yerr. Hahahaha da start merepek nie. Ok, back to our title above. Yeah, ak masuk Matrix. Kt Pahang ea. Dekat jew pn. Da mid sem baru nak update. Entah ape2. hahahahaha ak malas nak cite panjang2. Lagipun, picture tell a thousand stories.

Pahang Matriculation College
2011/12 session

Roomate ku (Faru, Deera, Fasa n Dieba)

My classmates (budak laki kat belakang sekali yer)

Outing with my classmates (Ana n Solehah)

Ladies in my class

My twin ! (Hazirah Teh)

Larian 1Malaysia

Hope u guys enjoy it. There's lot of picture but i'm kinda lazy to upload. Will update soon. Hug n kisses for all. =)