Tuesday, December 4, 2012

London 2012

Assalamualaikum and hye everyone. Hee How are u? I'm getting busier because my final is just around the corner. haha Nervous + excited, scared ant etc. I have a mix feeling right now. I don't know if i have study hard enough. Hopefully i can perform well. Please pray for me k.

Back to the topic, as u guys might know, I've been to London on last July until August. Yeah, i stayed there for a month. hehe I went there with my twin / best friend Miss Hazirah Teh. Actually we planned to go to London on Jun until July.But the planned was delayed because my twin had a massive interview for her scholarship. Only on July she was free. We planned this thing on last semester in Matriculation. A crazy idea that i thought my parents won't let me go. But, they gave me permission to go there. 

Thank you mom and dad. haha Thank you for the opportunity. I really appreciated it a lot. Traveled alone with you best friend, its a really adventure. Will update u guys on our budge later. We went there using Malaysia Airline. A very comfy flight we had. haha We departed at 10am in the morning and safely arrived there at 4pm. Our jet lagged are not too bad. Alhamdulillah.

Aunty Catherine and Uncle John picked us up. Their home is in Hempshire. About 30 minutes from London city. Next morning we went to London city. Since we arrive a week before Olympic 2012, the city were crowded with people who come to support the game. And the city were beautiful with all the decoration for Olympic game.

Its was a great chance to had to been there on that special event in world. We went to Olympic park, Cambridge, Bayswater, The palace, Marble Arch, Madame Tussauds, King Cross Station, London eye and many more. Will tell u guys more detail on upcoming post k. When its time for us to go back home, i felt really sad. I kept asking Hazirah, why we have to go back Malaysia. Why can we live here. Yeah, Malaysia is a beautiful country. But my heart is still in London. I still can remember the fresh air, the grass, the park i went, the woods which i love the most. 

Its so heartbreaking to think if i get another chance to go there again. I miss London so much. Its like i go back to my hometown after been far away for along time. I know i used to live there just for awhile but that memories is like magical. Its feel like i belong there.

Okay, stop being so emo. If Allah give me another chance, insya-Allah i will go there again. Maybe that time with my love one. No photo for this entry k as i write it too long. hahah Till the next post.


Sunday, November 25, 2012

CE Night 2012

Assalamualaikum and hey all. Harap-harap semua baik2 ja. Hee Semakin pandai bercakap Sabah. Suka nyer. Kelebihan belajar di negeri orang. Hee Okay, dulu Adin ada janji nak cerite pasal CE Night kan. So, here is the post about it.

Maybe ramai tak tau, CE stands for Computer Engineering. Its a new course actually. Not many universities offer this course. And since its still new course, its kinda invisible and people look down at. But this course will be high demand in future. haha Okay stop it. Emo terlebih. CE night was held i think 1 month ago. I couldn't remember it. Hahaha It was held at Tang Dynasty Hotel in KK.

Its quite a good hotel actually. I think the price we had to paid was reasonable. This dinner involve all CE students and lecturers. Mr. Aroland damn handsome and casual that night. Hahaha one of my favourite lecturers. We had a nice time bonding together. The lecturers were so supporting. The meals were damn good. haha We had lucky draw and most of the freshies got it. haha I guess we are lucky. I got one too ! heee Okay, enough writing. Hope u guys enjoy the pictures. Cheers !

We have International Students here

Crazy, happening, supporting and smart classmates

Some of the 1st and 2nd year students

The one i spend most time with

Nabil that tease me alot

Takde keje

Picking up 

P/s: Thank u to someone who read my posts. I will try to update regularly k. Hope u enjoy reading my craps. Hahaha


Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Finale


Assalamualaikum semua. Currently busy with my life as engineering student. Lately nie baru start busy. Before this malas nak update. haha Shot me. Okay here's the thing. As u all know Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 already came out. So, what are u waiting for ?! Go watch the movie. I have watched it last week. First day it came out, Damn epic and best ending. It surprisingly better than part 1. I really recommend you guys to watch it. After all, its the last part of Twilight movie. There won't be other part anymore.

The characters i like is:
1. Jacob Black - Taylor Lautner (of course. a damn hot guy hee)
2. Alice Cullen - Ashley Greene (damn beautiful vampire)
3. Renesmee Cullen - Mackenzie Foy (damn gorgeous)
4. Carlisle Cullen - Peter Facinelli (daddy vampire haha)
5. Edward Cullen - Robert Pattinson
6. Isabella Swan - Kristen Stewart

Enjoy the trailer. Will update u guys soon. 


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Culture Difference

Assalamualaikum semua. Assignments bersepah2 tapi tangan gatal nak update blog.. Hahaha tuu laa Adin.. Mengutamakan bende yang tak penting. Btw, semalam i had a great time at CE Dinner Night. Will upadate that later k. =) For now, ak nak cerita pasal culture difference or perbezaan budaya. Paham? Ape yang korang paham pasal perbezaan budaya nie? Dalam dunie nie banyak budaya yang berbeza2. Dalam negara kita sendiri pun banyak budaya kan.

Ape yang ak nak tulis nie based on my own experienced laa.. Around 3 months ago, ak pegi London and stay sana around 1 month. Banyak yang ak belajar culture sana. Then, sekarang belajar kat Sabah, pun banyak culture yang ak belajar. Mase kat London, ape yang ak belajar is kesopanan. Bukan ak nak kate Malaysian tak sopan. Sopan tapi makin berkurang. Betul tak? Londoners sangat2 berbudi bahasa. Every perbuatan must have 'please' and 'thank you'. Kalau kat Malaysia terutama sekarang, amat susah nak dengar orang cakap terima kasih. And certain Malaysian tak kisah pun. Its like they are okay with it.

Memang laa hang okay tapi orang len? Tak makan hati or jantung? Budi bahasa kann budaya kita. So, elok kita berbudi bahasa balik. Selain tu, London sangat2 bersih. Even hang pi ceruk jalan mane pn. Padahal dustbin takde pn.. Seriously. Mase ak pegi sane tercari2 tong sampah. Then, Aunty said they don't put dustbin here. They afraid people throw bomb in it. Sebab penah jadi kes dulu kann. Entah korang ingat ke tak. So, kitaorang kene laa simpan sampah and buang kat rumah. Cuba hang tengok Malaysia. Kerajaan punya la baik hati sediakan tong sampah bersepah2 tapi still banyak sampah bertaburan merata2. 

Sedeyh tau tengok negara kita macam nie. Kerajaan buat macam2 untuk jage kebajikan rakyat. Ape salahnya kita buang sampah di tempat yang betul. Lebih2 lagi kat signboard yang tulis "Dilarang buang sampah disini". Ak tak paham kenape lagi ramai orang nk buang kat situ. Kerajaan tolong rakyat, rakyat balas dengan berbuat baik. Kan berbudi tuu. Tourists yang datang negara kita mesti nak tengok keindahan negara kita. So, jangan la biarkan tercemar. Malu tau. Macam kita jemput orang datang rumah kita tapi rumah macam tongkang pecah. Diri kita sendiri kene berubah and insya-Allah, nanti orang lain yang tengok pun akan berubah. Ini pandangan ak jew. 


Thursday, October 4, 2012


Assalamualaikum semua ! Tergerak hati nak update blog selepas menyepi sangat2 lama. Terima kasih Saznira Fadila kerana membuat Adin tergerak hati nak update blog. Heeee

Berbalik pada tajuk di atas tuu. Nampak kann? Heee Adin berjaya melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat Degree in Computer Engineering in UMS. Semua mesti tau kann. Kalau tak tau, pegi Google cepat. Suda sebulan bah Adin disini (keluar Sabah die) hahaha. Alhamdulillah, setakat nie segala nyer dipermudahkan oleh Allah. Teramat bersyukur pada-Nya kerana dapat peluang untuk belajar lagi. 

Adin tak pilih pun course nie. Tapi dapat yang nie. Terima jew. Mungkin rezeki Adin disini. Kite merancang tapi perancangan Allah tu lebih baik. Percaya pada-Nya. Classmates semua happening and sporting. Sangat2 riuh kelas. haha And what i notice the most is my classmates is super BRILLIANT, i tell u. Hew hew Adin melangkah ke satu tahap lagi untuk menjadi insan yang berguna pada keluarga, masyarakat dan negara. Ceh ceh.. Hahaha Insya-Allah. 

Semua orang tanye, minta dekat sane ke (ums)? Yes, i chose to be here. Why? There are some reasons. One of them is i want to be independent which mean don't rely on my family much. I don't want to go back every weekend and get spoiled. I want to learn the hardship in university's life. I know I'm gonna gain something. All the experience i will have while studying here gonna teach me to be a better person in future. Insya-Allah.

Secondly because i want to be apart from the people i care. In this case, my friends. Lately, there's an issues between myself and them. Maybe they don't notice it. I just want some time alone. Meet new people and get back the reasons why i can't forget such an awesome friends. People always change. Yes, i get it because i did changed. 

But, what i can't accept or need time to is their changing making me hurt. Somewhere deep in my heart. I just can feel it but i can't tell it. I know they didn't notice it because that's just the way they are. So, i need some time for me to think and understand their changes. We all have been friends for ages. It such a waste to stop being a friend just because of that reason. 

Other than that, the other reason is because of someone. Someone who i used to trust, care, love and be friend with.(best friend actually)He hurt me badly. I couldn't imagine someone like him would do that but he did. Yes, he did. My best friend for 5 years stabbed me in behind, left me alone crying and let me down. At first, i was very mad at him. Then, my mom said "People like that are not worthy our time/attention. U gonna find a better friend than him."

Alhamdulillah, after that, i don't feel mad anymore. I forgave him and i deleted him from my life. That's the best thing. I couldn't believe he can be so hypocrite. Karma has its turn. Now, its mine. Who knows u might be up next. I believe in Allah. Okay, end of that. Sad story is bad. Hahaha

I think that's all. I will update u later. Insya-Allah.
Please pray for my success in this studies. 
Hope everyone have a nice day today or tomorrow.
